We had a quiet start to 2019. Our first performance was in February, with a lively and well received performance in the Nottingham Central Library as our contribution to Nottingham Light Night.
We were next out on the street singing in support of Nottingham's annual Mayday celebration.
At the start of June we helped to organise, and performed at a concert to celebrate the life of one of our founding members, Alison Boyd. Later that month we were singing at the Council House as a part of the launch of the 2019 Nottingham Refugee Week.
July was our busiest month. Right at the start we were supporting and entertaining a Nottingham UCU picket line in opposition to the unilateral imposition of punishing new contracts for teaching staff.
Later that week we were performing at the annual Nottingham Organic Garden Party.
Straight after this we headed off to Manchester (with 9 of us walking all the way, and passing through Pentrich where we commemorated the Pentrich revolution) to the annual Street Choir's Festival.
Here we joined the mass sing of 2000 voices in Manchester's Cathedral Square, busked around Manchester City Centre, and in the evening performed our new climate action Recycled Miscellany (which you can listen to here) to much acclaim.
After a summer break we had a really busy Autumn.
In October we were back out on the street again supporting the UCU in their campaign.
We were also out in Nottingham to support the local actions of Extinction Rebellion as a part of their international fortnight of action across the globe.
In November we produced some campaigning videos in support of the Labour general election campaign which we shared widely on social media. These included our version of Liar Liar by Captain Ska (which you can listen to here) and special election versions of La Batea, Which Side Are You On, and We Need Labour (to the tune of The South African liberation song Ayengena).
After the election we didn't give up. In December we were singing out on the street in Hucknall with Unite the Union and Notts TUC.
And later that month we sang at the Rushcliffe Labour Party post election social - celebrating a positive local campaign, and drowning our sorrows about the national result.