singing out for a fairer world
Part of the Campaign Choirs Network
We always welcome new faces - and voices!
We took a break in response to coronavirus.
We started back online on Zoom earlier in 2021. We are now meeting and singing in person three Sundays a month.
Contact us for more information
We are open and inclusive, there are no auditions and you will never be asked to sing on your own. You don't need to read music (only a few of us can).
All we ask is that you enjoy singing and share our broad world view - and are happy to sing out for a fairer world!
We rehearse every Sunday evening during term times (except before bank holidays); 7.30 - 9.30 at Sherwood Methodist Church, Devon Drive, Sherwood, Nottingham NG5 2EN
Come along one Sunday or contact us for more information.